某天收到Says 的邮件,问我是否想出席Jack n Jill Roller Coaster X-Treme Challenge -Skytrex 。那天真的高兴的不得已,因为想玩很久了,这次可以免费玩乐,所以就很快答应对方了。对方的来信还告知可以带多一位或三位朋友一起前往,(邮件是event前一晚才寄过来给我的 ,如果当时我没有检查邮件的话,可能都没有去了)当时在面子书问过朋友都没有一个兴趣,所以最后还是我和男友前往。
这个活动由许多媒体联合主办,包括says, redfm等。这次有幸收邀出席,简直是太棒了!我们一清大早便到达目的地了,去柜台办理登记手续后,便领取主办单位给我们的goodies.其实那天登记台也不会出现排长龙的问题,因为主办单位很贴切的把参与者分时段来参与,有些早上有些下午。当天我们是第二批/第二时段(9.30am)的参与者,太阳也不会太晒。

在这布条,可以得知Skytrex Extreme 的收费是RM 50, Big Thrill RM 45, Little Adventure RM 35.
From this banner, we get to know entrance fee for Skytrex Extreme Adventure costs RM 50;Big Thrill Adventure costs RM 45 whereas Little Adventure costs RM 35. In addition, entry to Skytrex is only available on weekend and public holiday.
很快地我们就换上主办单位给我们的衣服。他选择了黄色,所以我只好拿蓝色。哈哈,到底衣服的作用是什么呢?待会就知道啦!后面坐着那个便是寄邮件给我们的Says 工作人员,Ronn.
We changed the clothes given by the organizer during registration. He chose yellow while I chose the blue one. We kept wondering that time why we have different colour of t-shirt given? (Well, stay tune and you would know later)! Sitting behind there was Ronn, staff from Says who sent the email invitation to me the night before.
除了衣服,每人还需要戴上这个hand band哦!
Besides the t-shirt, everyone of us need to wear this hand band to enter for the game!
After waited a while, we had been asked by the staff to get on the bus departing to Skytrex Adventure Park to receive the challenge~~

到时间了,主办单位就依序叫我们下来了。所有穿黄衣的都是要参与Extreme challenge,蓝衣的参与 Big Thrill Challenge,嘻嘻,换言之,我的他就要去extreme 了。

把填好的表格交给skytrex工作人员后,我们便拿去抵押金RM 5来换一个locker放我们贵重的物件。除了水壶和帽子外,我们什么也没拿。Locker 就在箭头那里。
After passing up the form to the Skytrex staff, we proceeded to our locker to put our belongings. Everyone had to pay RM 5 as a refundable deposit for the usage of locker. We put almost everything that we brought into locker, except our water bottle and my cap. The locker is just beside the red arrow marked in the photo.
Next, we were equipped like what was shown like above from their store room.
其他的walking obstacles 对我而言没什么大不了,唯独这个我输给了它-'Tarzan Jump'。过关者必须握紧中间的那条绳子跳过去对面的板,这个我真的无能为力,因为我的手已经没有多余力气去捉了。结果我便走旁边的绳子过去。另外一个其他人惧怕的是那个'Swing Jump',从一个绑着的U形绳子跳去另外一个,这个我觉得还好,因为手力用不多。

在这布条,可以得知Skytrex Extreme 的收费是RM 50, Big Thrill RM 45, Little Adventure RM 35.
From this banner, we get to know entrance fee for Skytrex Extreme Adventure costs RM 50;Big Thrill Adventure costs RM 45 whereas Little Adventure costs RM 35. In addition, entry to Skytrex is only available on weekend and public holiday.

We changed the clothes given by the organizer during registration. He chose yellow while I chose the blue one. We kept wondering that time why we have different colour of t-shirt given? (Well, stay tune and you would know later)! Sitting behind there was Ronn, staff from Says who sent the email invitation to me the night before.

Besides the t-shirt, everyone of us need to wear this hand band to enter for the game!

After waited a while, we had been asked by the staff to get on the bus departing to Skytrex Adventure Park to receive the challenge~~

After passing up the form to the Skytrex staff, we proceeded to our locker to put our belongings. Everyone had to pay RM 5 as a refundable deposit for the usage of locker. We put almost everything that we brought into locker, except our water bottle and my cap. The locker is just beside the red arrow marked in the photo.
Next, we were equipped like what was shown like above from their store room.

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