我说的意外收获就是这个啦!从hall里面走出来时,就观察到舞台那好像有礼物派送,所以就走慢慢留意什么事情。怎么知道我这个举动被司仪发现了,便走过来问我要不要参加Q&A session,她要10个volunteer,问题很简单而已,答了就送礼物。我就想了一下就说ok咯!反正不会少了一根毛,而且免费奖品!哈哈,无奈地站在我身旁的男友也被我‘脱下水’,成为其中一位参赛者。
*Discount Voucher RM 2 (用不着有点可惜,因为只是到9/1/2011)
*Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula with Vitamin E 50 ml
*Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula with Vitamin E Skin Therapy Oil 10 ml
*Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula with Vitamin E Bust Firming Massage Cream 2.5 g
*Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks with Vitamin E, Collagen & Elastin 2.5 ml
*Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula with Vitamin E Baby Butter Massage Lotion 2.5 ml
*Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula with Vitamin E Scar Serum 2.5 ml
Palmer's Olive Oil Formula with Vitamin E Replenishing Conditioner 4 ml
其实问题还蛮简单的啦!她第一个问题就是What is the brand of world best cocoa butter skin product? (如没记错)。所以答案很自然的就是Palmer's 啦!第二题是问这个chocolate fair event 的organiser是谁?答案在舞台就有咯》Expo Event 嘛!第三个问题是What vitamin is contained in Palmer's skin product? 这个也很简单,答案就是Vitamin E 咯!可怜的男友,一题都不会答,所以第三题的答案都是我偷偷跟他说的。嘻嘻,男人就是美容护肤品的白痴嘛!不过我相信以后他一定记得咯!

*Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula with Vitamin E 50 ml
*Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula with Vitamin E Skin Therapy Oil 10 ml
*Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula with Vitamin E Bust Firming Massage Cream 2.5 g
*Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks with Vitamin E, Collagen & Elastin 2.5 ml
*Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula with Vitamin E Baby Butter Massage Lotion 2.5 ml
*Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula with Vitamin E Scar Serum 2.5 ml
Palmer's Olive Oil Formula with Vitamin E Replenishing Conditioner 4 ml

我也买了Palmer's No Blade Cream Cocoa Butter Hair Remover 125 g, 价钱是RM14。其实算便宜,因为在上来前,我已经到Watson和Caring走了一下survey价钱! 本来打算买E牌子的,因为有朋友介绍,但是在这两间都找不到,所以就看下有什么牌子卖。这里卖的牌子如下:Nxxr Moist Hair Remover Cream 150 ml 卖RM27.90, Palmer's No Blade Cream Cocoa Butter Hair Remover 125 g 卖RM15.20,这是Watson里面记下的,Caring的价钱也差不多.
所以我做了明智选择,以最实惠价钱买东西回家。我在这里买的还有附送一支Palmer's Shea Butter Formula with Vitamin E 50 ml 的产品!真的太棒了!
所以我做了明智选择,以最实惠价钱买东西回家。我在这里买的还有附送一支Palmer's Shea Butter Formula with Vitamin E 50 ml 的产品!真的太棒了!
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